This section documents the output files that are used on a regular basis when reviewing model results. It includes attributes added to the highway networks, travel time skims, CT-RAMP output files, and trip tables.

Section 7.1 Highway Networks

The list of highway networks created throughout the model process is provided in Table 7-1. Most of the networks are intermediate files which are referenced in later model steps. The attributes that are added during a model run are provided in Table 7-2. Note that not all of the attributes can be found in all the networks listed. For example, the volumes by vehicle type will only be located in the loaded highway networks.

Table 7-1 List of Highway Networks

Network Description
ARC{year}HY_A.NET Intermediate network with area types
HWY{year}FF.NET Intermediate network with speeds, capacities
HWY{year}LOOP1_PK.NET Intermediate network for first loop (peak)
HWY{year}LOOP1_OP.NET Intermediate network for first loop (off-peak)
LOD{year}EA_LOOP#.NET (AM,MD,PM,EV) Loaded network by feedback loop number and period
AVGLOAD_EA#.NET (AM,MD,PM,EV) Average loaded network between loops by period
LOD{year}EA.NET (AM,MD,PM,EV) Last loaded feedback loop network by period
ARC{year}EA_TRN.NET (AM,MD,PM,EV) Includes congested bus speeds and bus times
LOD{year}EA_FINAL.NET, (AM,MD,PM) Loaded time of day networks with drive access to transit trips loaded

Table 7-2 Highway Network Added Attributes

Variable Description
WALKTIME link walk time (minutes)
TAZ associated TAZ
ATYPE 1 = CBD / Very High Density Urban
2 = High Density Urban
3 = Medium Density Urban
4 = Low Density Urban
5 = Suburban
6 = Exurban
7 = Rural
LINKCLASS attribute for assignment (FACTYPE + 1)
FIXED flag for fixed or per mile toll (0 = per mile, 1 = fixed)
TOLLEA, AM, MD, PM, EV toll charge for link (in $)
EACAPACITY, AM, MD, PM, EV link hourly capacity by time period
SPEED free-flow speed
TIME1 free-flow time
TIME_1 congested time
VC_1 volume to capacity ratio
V_SOVEA, AM, MD, PM, EV single occupancy vehicle volumes by period
V_HOVEA, AM, MD, PM, EV total shared ride vehicle volumes by period
V_HOV2EA, AM, MD, PM, EV 2 person per car vehicle volumes by period
V_HOV3EA, AM, MD, PM, EV 3+ person per car vehicle volumes by period
V_COMEA, AM, MD, PM, EV commercial vehicle volumes by period
V_MTKEA, AM, MD, PM, EV medium duty truck volumes by period
V_HTKEA, AM, MD, PM, EV heavy duty truck volumes by period
V_TOTEA, AM, MD, PM, EV total vehicular volume by time period
V_TRKEA, AM, MD, PM, EV total truck volume by time period (com + mtk + htk)
V_PNREA, AM, MD, PM PNR access volume
V_KNREA, AM, MD, PM KNR access volume
CGSTDSPD congested speed
LOS level of service
BUSSPD bus speed
BUSTIME bus time (minutes)

Section 7.2 Highway and Transit Skims

During model application, a number of highway and transit skim files are created by time period which provide information regarding zone to zone travel times, distances, etc. for both highway and transit travel. A list of the most important files is provided in Table 7-3. There are other matrices created for different applications in the model; however, all of them are built from the files listed. Table 7-4 through Table 7-7 shows the format of the highway and transit skims. The distance and IVT tables include intra-zonal distance and time.

The format of the transit skim tables is different because the model now uses PT rather than TRNBUILD. Previously, all transit travel times were in hundreds (i.e. 1 minute was expressed as 100). With the switch to PT, the travel times are in real units. The transit skims are stratified differently in this model. Before the transit skims were stratified by local service only and combined local and premium service. In the new version, the all transit (ALLTRN) skims represents combined local bus and premium service while premium (PREMIUM) skims represents premium service only.

Table 7-3 Highway and Transit Skim Files

Name Description
SOV_FREE_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) SOV non-toll highway skims by period
SOV_TOLL_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) SOV toll available highway skims by period
HOV2_FREE_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) HOV2 non-toll highway skims by period
HOV2_TOLL_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) HOV2 toll available highway skims by period
HOV3_FREE_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) HOV3+ non-toll highway skims by period
HOV3_TOLL_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) HOV3+ toll available highway skims by period
WLK_ALLTRN_WLK_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) Walk access/egress to all transit
WLK_PRMTRN_WLK_EA.SKM (AM,MD,PM,EV) Walk access/egress to premium transit
KNR_ALLTRN_WLK_EA.SKM (AM,MD) KNR access/ walk egress to all transit
KNR_PRMTRN_WLK_EA.SKM (AM,MD) KNR access/ walk egress to premium transit
WLK_ALLTRN_KNR_MD.SKM (PM) walk access/ KNR egress to all transit
WLK_PRMTRN_KNR_MD.SKM (PM) walk access/ KNR egress to premium transit
PNR_ALLTRN_WLK_EA.SKM (AM,MD) PNR access/ walk egress to all transit
PNR_PRMTRN_WLK_EA.SKM (AM,MD) PNR access/ walk egress to premium transit
WLK_ALLTRN_PNR_MD.SKM (PM) walk access/ PNR egress to all transit
WLK_PRMTRN_PNR_MD.SKM (PM) walk access/ PNR egress to premium transit

Table 7-4 Highway Non-Toll Skim Tables

Name Description
Toll toll cost ($)
Distance distance (miles)
Time time (minutes)

Table 7-5 Highway Toll Eligible Skim Tables

Name Description
Toll toll cost ($)
Distance distance (miles)
Time time (minutes)
TollDistance Toll distance (miles)

Table 7-6 Walk Access / Walk Egress Transit Skim Tables

Table Name Description
1 WALK walk time
2 IWAIT initial wait time
3 XWAIT transfer wait time
4 LOCAL local bus time
5 XBUS express bus time
6 HRT heavy rail time
7 BRT bus rapid transit time
8 LRT light rail time
9 COMRAIL commuter rail time
10 BRDS boardings
11 FARE fare
12 XPEN transfer penalties
13 IVT transit in-vehicle time
14 DIST OD transit distance

Table 7-7 Drive Access or Egress Transit Skim Tables

Table Name Description
1 WALK walk time
3 IWAIT initial wait time
4 XWAIT transfer wait time
5 LOCAL local bus time
6 XBUS express bus time
7 HRT heavy rail time
8 BRT bus rapid transit time
9 LRT light rail time
10 COMRAIL commuter rail time
11 BRDS boardings
12 FARE Fare
13 DRVDIST KNR/PNR distance
14 XPEN transfer penalties
15 IVT transit in-vehicle time
16 DIST OD transit distance

Section 7.3 Air Passenger

The air passenger model has also been converted to Cube script from FORTRAN. However, the file formats are the same as in previous versions. The air passenger model generates a vehicle and transit trip table. The vehicle trip table is called VEHOUT{year}.MTT and the format is provided in Table 7-8. The transit trip table is called TRNOUT{year}.MTT with the format provided in Table 7-9.

Table 7-8 Air Passenger Vehicle Tables

Table Name Description
1 BusRes Business residents
2 BusNR Business non-residents
3 NBRes Non-business residents
4 NBNR Non-business non-residents
5 TotVeh Total vehicles

Table 7-9 Air Passenger Transit Tables

Table Name Description
1 BusRes Business residents
2 BusNR Business non-residents
3 NBRes Non-business residents
4 NBNR Non-business non-residents
5 WlkTrn Walk to transit
6 PnrTrn PNR transit
7 KnrTrn KNR transit

Section 7.4 Externals

Portions of the external model were previously applied in FORTRAN executables. In the new model, all components of the externals are handled within the Cube script. The internal-external station passenger car productions are created in a text file called IEPRD{year}.PRN with the format shown in Table 7-10. The internal-external passenger car attractions are stored in a text file called IEPA_B{year}_ATT.NEW with the format shown in Table 7-11.

Table 7-10 Internal-External Passenger Car Productions

Column Description
1 Zone
2 IE work – interstate
3 IE non-work interstate
4 IE work - non-interstate
5 IE non-work non-interstate

Table 7-11 Internal-External Passenger Car Attractions

Column Description
1 Zone
2 IE work – interstate
3 IE non-work interstate
4 IE work - non-interstate
5 IE non-work non-interstate

After trip distribution, the internal-external passenger car trips are stored in two trip tables:

  • IEWRKM{year}.VTT: internal-external passenger car work trips
  • IENWKM{year}.VTT: internal-external passenger car non-work trips

The basic format of the two trip tables is the same although the table names are slightly different. The formats are provided in Table 7-12. The external-external passenger car output is a trip table called EEPC20{year}.VTT shown in Table 7-13.

Table 7-12 Internal-External Passenger Car Trip Tables

Table Name Description
1 PCWRK1 / PCNWK1 I-E interstate passenger car
2 PCWRK2 / PCNWK2 I-E non-interstate passenger car

Table 7-13 External-External Passenger Car Trip Table

Table Name Description
1 EEPC E-E passenger car

The internal-external trip ends for commercial vehicle, medium truck, and heavy trucks are created and stored in the text file CMHEXT.PRN. The format of this file is shown in Table 7-14. The external model also creates the initial external-external vehicle tables which are later modified in the commercial vehicle and truck model. The name of the initial file is called CMHEE.TRP and the format is shown in Table 7-15.

Table 7-14 External Station Truck Trip File

Column Description
1 Zone
2 External station commercial vehicle
3 External station medium duty truck
4 External station heavy duty truck

Table 7-15 External-External Truck Trip Tables

Table Name Description
1 COMEE E-E commercial vehicles
2 MTKEE E-E medium trucks
3 HTKEE E-E heavy trucks

Section 7.5 Commercial Vehicle and Trucks

The file formats of the commercial vehicle and truck model have not changed in the newer model version. The program produces an initial internal-internal and internal-external file called CMH.TRP. Note that this file is not used for assignment. The file format is provided in Table 7-16. The final tables used for the assignment are as follows the format provided in Table 7-17.

  • COM.TRP: commercial vehicles
  • MTK.TRP: medium duty trucks
  • HTKbypass.TRP: heavy duty trucks that cannot enter I-285 boundary
  • HTKnobypass.TRP: heavy duty trucks that can enter I-285 boundary

Table 7-16 Initial Internal-Internal / Internal-External Truck Trip Table

Table Name Description
1 COMII I-I commercial vehicle
2 MTKII I-I medium truck
3 HTKII I-I heavy truck
4 COMEXT I-E commercial vehicle
5 MTKEXT I-E medium truck
6 HTKEXT I-E heavy truck

Table 7-17 Final Truck Trip Tables

Table Name Description
1 EACOM, EAMTK, EAHTK EA period trips
2 AMCOM, AMMTK, AMHTK AM period trips
3 MDCOM, MDMTK, MDHTK MD period trips
4 PMCOM, PMMTK, PMHTK PM period trips
5 EVCOM, EVMTK, EVHTK EV period trips

Section 7.6 CT-RAMP Output Files

The core outputs from the CT-RAMP model component are summarized in Table 7-18.

Table 7-18 CT-RAMP Model Output Files

File Name Description
ShadowPricing_{loop}_{shadowPricingIterations}.csv Shadow pricing results
wsLocResults.csv Usual work and school location choice results
aoResults.csv Auto ownership results
cdapResults.csv CDAP model results
hhData_{loop}.csv Household attribution results
personData_{loop}.csv Person attribution results
indivTourData_{loop}.csv Individual tour records
jointTourData_{loop}.csv Joint tour records
indivTripData_{loop}.csv Individual trip records
jointTripData_{loop}.csv Joint trip records
tripData_{loop}.csv Individual + expanded joint trips with select HH, person, and travel time fields (optional output to be used for ABMVIZ)

Section 7.6.1 Shadow Pricing

The shadow pricing results for each shadow pricing iteration are written to the file, ShadowPricing_ {loop}_{shadowPricingIterations}.csv.

Section 7.6.2 Usual Work and School Location

The usual work and school location choice results are written to wsLocResults_{loop}.csv. The results file consists of the data fields shown in Table 7-19. The usual work location choice model now includes a “work from home” component. These workers are considered ones who work permanently out of their homes and not someone who telecommutes occasionally. In the WorkLocation column, these workers are denoted with a number of 9999. The person type in the table is defined in Table 7-20.

Table 7-19 Usual Work and School Location Choice Output File Fields
Field Description
HHID household ID
HomeTAZ Home TAZ
HomeSubZone Home subzone
Income Income
PersonID Person ID
PersonNum Person number in HH
PersonType Person type
PersonAge age
EmploymentCategory employment category
StudentCategory student category
WorkLocation work TAZ location
WorkSubZone work subzone
SchoolLocation school TAZ location
SchoolSubZone school subzone

Table 7-20 Person Type Codes

Person Type Code Description
1 Full-time worker
2 Part-time worker
3 University Student
4 Non-worker
5 Retired
6 Student of driving age
7 Student of non-driving age
8 Child too young for school

Section 7.6.3 Auto Ownership

The number of autos per household is written to aoResults.csv.

Section 7.6.4 Household Attribution

The household attribution results for each feedback loop are written to hhData_{loop}.csv. The file has the following fields:

Table 7-21 Household Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Household ID
taz Origin TAZ
walk_subzone Walk subzone
income HH income
autos Number of autos
jtf_choice Joint tour frequency choice
size HH size
workers Number of workers in HH
auto_suff Auto sufficiency
ao_rn Random number used in the auto ownership model
fp_rn Random number used in the free parking model
cdap_rn Random number used in the daily activity pattern model
imtf_rn Random number used in the individual mandatory tour frequency model
imtod_rn Random number used in the individual mandatory tour time-of-day model
immc_rn Random number used in the individual mandatory tour model choice model
jtf_rn Random number used in the joint tour frequency model
jtl_rn Random number used in the joint tour location choice model
jtod_rn Random number used in the joint tour time-of-day model
jmc_rn Random number used in the joint tour model choice model
inmtf_rn Random number used in the individual non-mandatory tour frequency model
inmtl_rn Random number used in the individual non-mandatory tour location choice model
inmtod_rn Random number used in the individual non-mandatory tour time-of-day model
inmmc_rn Random number used in the individual non-mandatory tour model choice model
awf_rn Random number used in the after work tour frequency model
awl_rn Random number used in the after work location choice model
awtod_rn Random number used in the after work tour time-of-day model
awmc_rn Random number used in the after work tour model choice model
stf_rn Random number used in the stop frequency model
stl_rn Random number used in the stop location choice model

Section 7.6.5 Population Attribution

The person attribution results for each feedback loop are written to personData_{loop}.csv. The file has the following fields:

Table 7-22 Person Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
person_num person number in HH
age age
gender gender
person_type person type (worker, student, etc)
pecas_occ occupation category defined in PECAS
fp_choice free parking choice
activity_pattern activity pattern
imf_choice individual mandatory tour freq choice
inmf_choice individual non-mandatory tour freq choice

Section 7.6.6 Coordinated Activity Pattern (CDAP)

The results of the CDAP model are written to cdapResults_{loop}.csv.

Table 7-23 CDAP Output File Fields

Field Description
HHID household ID
PersonID Person ID
PersonNum Person number in HH
PersonType Person type
ActivityString Daily activity pattern (M = mandatory, N = non-mandatory, H = at home)

Section 7.6.7 Individual Tour Records

Individual tours for each CT-RAMP feedback loop are written to indivTourData_{loop}.csv. The final feedback loop version is written to indivTourData.csv. Table 7-24 lists data fields in the output file. The tour mode used in this file is categorized in Table 7-25.

Table 7-24 Individual Tours Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
person_num Person number in household
person_type Numeric identifier of person type
tour_id Tour number for each person (e.g. 0 = first tour made by a person, 1 = second tour, etc)
tour_category tour category
tour_purpose purpose of tour
orig_taz tour origin taz location
orig_walk_segment tour origin subzone
dest_taz tour destination taz location
dest_walk_segment tour destination subzone
start_period tour starting time period
end_period tour ending time period
tour_mode mode of tour
atWork_freq number of at work subtours made
num_ob_stops number of outbound stops on tour
num_ib_stops number of inbound stops made on tour
outstop_#_mode mode of outbound stop # of tour
outstop_#_period time period of outbound stop # of tour
outstop_#_taz taz location of outbound stop # of tour
outstop_#_purpose purpose of outbound stop # of tour
instop_#_mode mode of inbound stop # of tour
instop_#_period time period of inbound stop # of tour
instop_#_taz taz location of inbound stop # of tour
instop_#_purpose purpose of inbound stop # of tour
util_#; prob_# utility for mode #; probability for mode #

Table 7-25 Trip / Tour Mode Codes

Trip/Tour Mode Code Description UEC Label
1 Drive alone free DRIVEALONEFREE
2 Drive alone pay DRIVEALONEPAY
3 Shared ride 2 free SHARED2FREE
4 Shared ride 2 pay SHARED2PAY
5 Shared ride 3+ free SHARED3FREE
6 Shared ride 3+ pay SHARED3PAY
7 Walk WALK
8 Bike BIKE
9 Walk to local/premium transit WALK_ALLTRN
10 Walk to premium transit WALK_PRMTRN
11 Park-and-Ride to local/premium transit PNR_ALLTRN
12 Park-and-Ride to premium transit PNR_PRMTRN
13 Kiss-and-Ride to local/premium transit KNR_ALLTRN
14 Kiss-and-Ride to premium transit KNR_PRMTRN
15 School bus SCHOOL_BUS

Section 7.6.8 Joint Tour Records

Joint tours for each CT-RAMP feedback loop are written to jointTourData_{loop}.csv. The final feedback loop version is written to jointTripData.csv. Table 7-26 lists data fields in the output file.

Table 7-26 Joint Tours Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Household ID
tour_id Tour ID
tour_category tour category (joint non-mandatory)
tour_purpose purpose of tour
tour_composition tour composition
tour_participants household participants on tour (e.g. 1 2 4 = persons 1, 2, and 4 in the household)
orig_taz tour origin taz location
orig_walk_segment tour origin subzone
dest_taz tour destination taz location
dest_walk_segment tour destination subzone
start_period tour starting period
end_period tour ending period
Tour_mode mode of tour
num_ob_stops number of outbound stops on tour
num_ib_stops number of inbound stops made on tour
outstop_#_mode mode of outbound stop # of tour
outstop_#_period time period of outbound stop # of tour
outstop_#_taz taz location of outbound stop # of tour
outstop_#_purpose purpose of outbound stop # of tour
instop_#_mode mode of inbound stop # of tour
instop_#_period time period of inbound stop # of tour
instop_#_taz taz location of inbound stop # of tour
instop_#_purpose purpose of inbound stop # of tour
util_# utility for mode #
prob_# probability of mode #

Section 7.6.9 Individual Trip Records

Individual trips for each CT-RAMP feedback loop are written to indivTripData_{loop}.csv. The final feedback loop version is written to indivTripData.csv. Table 7-27 lists data fields in the output file.

Table 7-27 Individual Trips Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
person_num Person number
tour_id Tour ID
stop_id Stop ID
inbound Is Inbound Trip
tour_purpose Tour Purpose
orig_purpose Origin purpose
dest_purpose Destination purpose
orig_taz Origin TAZ
orig_walk_segment Origin walk market segment
dest_taz Destination TAZ
dest_walk_segment Destination walk market segment
parking_zone Parking TAZ used
depart_period Departure time period
trip_mode Trip Mode
tour_mode Tour mode
tour_category Tour category

Section 7.6.10 Joint Trip Records

Joint trips for each CT-RAMP feedback loop are written to jointTripData_{loop}.csv. The final feedback loop version is written to jointTripData.csv. Table 7-28 lists data fields in the output file.

Table 7-28 Joint Trips Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Household ID
tour_id Tour ID
stop_id Stop ID
inbound Is Inbound Trip
tour_purpose Tour Purpose
orig_purpose Origin purpose
dest_purpose Destination purpose
orig_taz Origin TAZ
orig_walk_segment Origin walk market segment
dest_taz Destination TAZ
dest_walk_segment Destination walk market segment
parking_zone Parking TAZ used
depart_period Departure time period
trip_mode Trip Mode
Num_participants Number of participants on tour
tour_mode Tour mode
tour_category Tour category

Section 7.6.11 Trip Data

The trips table, tripData_{loop}.csv, consists of the individual trips and the joint trips in expanded form. It also contains joined household and person fields. The data fields are provided in Table 7-29.

Table 7-29 CT-RAMP Trips Data Output File Fields

Field Description
hh_id Unique HH ID
person_id Unique Person ID
person_num Person number within household
tour_id Non-unique tour ID given person_id and tour_category
stop_id Trip stop ID on the tour (-1 = no stop, else 0-3)
inbound Inbound half tour (1=True, 0=False)
tour_category Tour type such as INDIVIDUAL_NON_MANDATORY
tour_purpose Tour purpose such as social
orig_purpose Activity at trip origin
dest_purpose Activity at trip destination
orig_taz Trip origin taz
dest_taz Trip destination taz
orig_walk_segment Trip origin taz walk subzone type
dest_walk_segment Trip destination taz walk subzone type
parking_taz Destination parking taz (0=does not apply)
depart_period Trip departure time period
trip_mode Trip mode code
tour_mode Tour mode code
num_participants Number of persons on the trip
tour_participants Space concatenated person_num(s) on the tour
tour_start_period Tour start time period
tour_id_uniq Unique tour ID (tour_category + “ “ + tour_id + “ “ + tour_purpose) given person_id
trip_id Trip ID within each full tour (1 to N).
orig_purpose_start_period Origin activity start time period (if first trip, then equal to first half-hour of the simulation day)
home_taz Home taz
hh_income Household income
hh_autos Household autos
hh_fp_choice Household free parking choice model result (1 =free, 2=pay)
hh_inc_bin Household income bin
hh_size Household size
hh_wkrs Household workers (person types “Full-time worker” and “Part-time worker”)
hh_auto_suff Household Auto sufficiency (cars<wkrs, cars>wkrs, nocars)
age Person age
gender Person gender
person_type Person type such as non-worker
activity_pattern Person activity pattern
tour_mode_name Tour mode name
trip_mode_name Trip mode name
travel_time Trip travel time
distance Trip distance
cost Trip auto toll or transit fare
first_wait_time Transit trip first wait time
xfer_wait_time Transit trip transfer wait time
walk_aux_time Transit trip walk access and egress time
auto_aux_time Transit trip auto access and egress time
boardings Transit boardings
ivt_local_bus Transit trip in-vehicle time on local bus
ivt_premium_modes Transit trip in-vehicle time on premium modes

Section 7.6.12 CT-RAMP Tables

The CT-RAMP trip files are converted from CSV format to Cube matrices via Cube Voyager script. For highway modes, the trips represent vehicles whereas other modes represent person trips. The tables are named as follows:

  • TRIPS_INDIV_EA.TPP (AM, MD, PM, EV): individual trip tables by period
  • TRIPS_JOINT_EA.TPP (AM, MD, PM, EV): joint trip tables by period
  • TRIPSEA.TPP (AM, MD, PM, EV): combined trip tables by period

The tables are split by travel mode and are formatted as shown in Table 7-30.

Table 7-30 CT-RAMP Trip Table Format

Table Name Description
1 DA non-toll drive alone
T DATOLL toll eligible drive alone
3 SR2 non-toll shared ride 2
4 SR2TOLL toll eligible shared ride 2
5 SR3 non-toll shared ride 3+
6 SR3TOLL toll eligible shared ride 3+
7 WALK walk
8 BIKE bicycle
9 WLKALLWLK walk access/egress all transit
10 WLKPRMWLK walk access/egress premium transit
11 PNRALLWLK PNR access / walk egress all transit
12 WLKALLPNR walk access / PNR egress all transit
13 PNRPRMWLK PNR access / walk egress premium transit
14 WLKPRMPNR walk access / PNR egress premium transit
15 KNRALLWLK KNR access / walk egress all transit
16 WLKALLKNR walk access / KNR egress all transit
17 KNRPRMWLK KNR access / walk egress premium transit
18 WLKPRMKNR walk access / KNR egress premium transit
19 SCHLBUS school bus

Section 7.7 Time of Day Trip Tables

This section details the format of the time-of-day (TOD) vehicle trip tables which are used in the period level highway assignments. The passenger car trip tables are stored in the following five files in the format shown in Table 7-31 with the format of the tables provided in Table 7-32.

  • TODEA{year}.VTT: EA period passenger car trip table
  • TODAM{year}.VTT: AM period passenger car trip table
  • TODMD{year}.VTT: Midday period passenger car trip table
  • TODPM{year}.VTT: PM period passenger car trip table
  • TODEV{year}.VTT: Evening / late night period passenger car trip table

Table 7-31 Passenger Car TOD Trip Table File

Table Name Description
1 SOV Single occupancy vehicles
2 HOV Total shared ride vehicles
3 HOV2 2 / car vehicles
4 HOV3 3+ / car vehicles

The TOD vehicle trip files utilized for the highway assignment include the split by occupancy and toll/non-toll for each period.

  • TODEA{year}_asgn.VTT: EA period vehicle trip table
  • TODAM{year}_asgn.VTT: AM period vehicle trip table
  • TODMD{year}_asgn.VTT: Midday period vehicle trip table
  • TODPM{year}_asgn.VTT: PM period vehicle trip table
  • TODEV{year}_asgn.VTT: Evening / late night period vehicle trip table

Table 7-32 TOD Trip Table Assignment File

Table Name Description
1 SOVF Non-toll SOV
2 SOVT Toll eligible SOV
3 HOV2F Non-toll HOV 2
4 HOV2T Toll eligible HOV 2
5 HOV3F Non-toll HOV 3+
6 HOV3T Toll eligible HOV 3+

Section 7.8 Transit Assignment Output

This section details the format of the transit assignment output which include time of day, mode of access/egress, and the mix of transit modes as shown in Table 7-33. The primary assignment outputs used for route analysis are named as follows:

@access mode@_@transit mix@_@egress mode@_@period@.DBF

  • Access mode = WLK, KNR, or PNR
  • Transit mix = ALLTRN or PRMTRN
  • Period = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV, AIRPASS

The output files are standard Public Transport output files from assignment loadings. Please refer to the Cube User guide for an explanation of the attributes in the output file.

Table 7-33 Transit Assignments

Time Period Access Egress Transit Mix
Early AM Walk Walk All transit
Walk Walk Premium transit only
KNR Walk All transit
KNR Walk Premium transit only
PNR Walk All transit
PNR Walk Premium transit only
AM Peak Walk Walk All transit
Walk Walk Premium transit only
KNR Walk All transit
KNR Walk Premium transit only
PNR Walk All transit
PNR Walk Premium transit only
Midday Walk Walk All transit
Walk Walk Premium transit only
KNR Walk All transit
KNR Walk Premium transit only
PNR Walk All transit
PNR Walk Premium transit only
Walk KNR All transit
Walk KNR Premium transit only
Walk PNR All transit
Walk PNR Premium transit only
PM Peak Walk Walk All transit
Walk Walk Premium transit only
Walk KNR All transit
Walk KNR Premium transit only
Walk PNR All transit
Walk PNR Premium transit only
Evening Walk Walk All transit
Walk Walk Premium transit only
Air Passenger Walk Walk Premium transit only
KNR Walk Premium transit only
PNR Walk Premium transit only

Atlanta Regional Commission, 2019