Section A.1 Database Control Tables

Table A-1 MAZ (ARC TAZ) Level Control Totals

FIELD Description Type (H=HH/P=Per/G=Geography)
MAZ MAZ (ARC TAZ) Identifier G
TAZ TAZ (ARC PECAS Zone) Identifier G
DISTRICT2 District (ARC County group) Identifier G
PUMA PUMA Identifier G
HH Total households in MAZ H
HHSIZE1 Household size 1 person H
HHSIZE2 Household size 2 person H
HHSIZE3 Household size 3 person H
HHSIZE4 Household size 4 person H
HHSIZE5 Household size 5 person H
HHSIZE6 Household size 6+ person H
HHINC1 Household income <$25k H
HHINC2 Household income $25k-$60k H
HHINC3 Household income $60k-$120k H
HHINC4 Household income $120k+ H
HWORK0 Household workers 0 H
HWORK1 Household workers 1 H
HWORK2 Household workers 2 H
HWORK3 Household workers 3+ H

Table A-2 TAZ (ARC PECAS Zone) Level Control Totals

FIELD Description Type (P=Per /G=Geography)
TAZ TAZ (ARC PECAS Zone) Identifier G
DISTRICT2 District (ARC County group) Identifier G
CL23WhiteCollar Total persons by PECAS occupation category P
CL24Services P
CL25Health P
CL26Retail P
CL27BlueCollar P

Table A-3 Meta-Control (ARC County) Totals

FIELD Description Type (P=Per /G=Geography)
REGION2 Region (ARC County group) Name G
DISTRICT2 District (ARC County group) Identifier G
AGE0014 Persons aged between 0 and 14 P
AGE1524 Persons aged between 15 and 24 P
AGE2534 Persons aged between 25 and 34 P
AGE3544 Persons aged between 35 and 44 P
AGE4554 Persons aged between 45 and 54 P
AGE5564 Persons aged between 55 and 64 P
AGE6574 Persons aged between 65 and 74 P
AGE7584 Persons aged between 75 and 84 P
AGE85 Persons aged between 85 and above P

Section A.2 Database PUMS Tables

Table A-4 PUMS Processed Household Table

FIELD Description Source
HHNUM User defined unique HH ID User-defined variable
NWRKRS_ESR Number of workers in the household - derived from `ESR’ User-defined variable
SERIALNO Unique housing PUMS record identifier PUMS HH Dataset
All other PUMS HH fields All other PUMS HH fields PUMS HH Dataset

Table A-5 PUMS Processed Person Table

FIELD Description Source
HHNUM User defined unique HH ID User-defined variable
EMPLOYED Is person employed (derived from ESR) User-defined variable
PECAS_OCC PECAS Occupation code User-defined variable
SERIALNO Unique housing PUMS record identifier PUMS HH Dataset
SPORDER Unique person PUMS record identifier PUMS Person Dataset
All other PUMS person fields All other PUMS person fields PUMS Person Dataset

Section A.3 Database Output Tables

Table A-6 Synthetic Population Household Table in Unexpanded Form

FIELD Description
TEMPID Household ID
DISTRICT District code (ARC County) in which HH is located
PUMA PUMA code for HH record
TAZ TAZ (ARC PECAS zone) code in which HH is located
MAZ MAZ (ARC TAZ) code in which HH is located
WGTP Housing Weight
FINALPUMSID HH ID generated during population synthesis
FINALWEIGHT HH weight generated during population synthesis
SERIALNO Unique housing PUMS record identifier
NWRKRS_ESR Number of workers in the household
Other PUMS HH fields[1]

Table A-7 Synthetic Population Person Table in Unexpanded Form

FIELD Description
TEMPID Household ID
DISTRICT District code (ARC County) in which HH is located
PUMA PUMA code for HH record
TAZ TAZ (ARC PECAS zone) code in which HH is located
MAZ MAZ (ARC TAZ) code in which HH is located
WGTP Housing Weight
FINALPUMSID Person ID generated during population synthesis
FINALWEIGHT Person weight generated during population synthesis
SPORDER Person number in HH
EMPLOYED Is person employed
PECAS_OCC PECAS Occupation code for this person
Other PUMS Person fields

Table A-8 Synthetic Population Household Table in Expanded Form

FIELD Description
HHID Unique household ID
TEMPID Unexpanded household ID
DISTRICT District code (ARC County) in which HH is located
PUMA PUMA code for HH record
TAZ TAZ (ARC PECAS zone) code in which HH is located
MAZ MAZ (ARC TAZ) code in which HH is located
WGTP Housing Weight
FINALPUMSID HH ID generated during population synthesis
FINALWEIGHT HH weight generated during population synthesis
SERIALNO Unique housing PUMS record identifier
NWRKRS_ESR Number of workers in the household
Other PUMS HH fields

Table A-9 Synthetic Population Person Table in Expanded Form

FIELD Description
HHID Unique household ID
PERID Unique person ID
TEMPID Unexpanded household ID
DISTRICT District code (ARC County) in which HH is located
PUMA PUMA code for HH record
TAZ TAZ (ARC PECAS zone) code in which HH is located
MAZ MAZ (ARC TAZ) code in which HH is located
WGTP Housing Weight
FINALPUMSID Person ID generated during population synthesis
FINALWEIGHT Person weight generated during population synthesis
SPORDER Person number in HH
EMPLOYED Is person employed
PECAS_OCC PECAS Occupation code for this person
Other PUMS Person fields

Notes: The definitions for other PUMS variables can be found in the 2007-2011 ACS PUMS Data Dictionary:

Atlanta Regional Commission, 2019